
Showing posts from 2012

Unwinding in style

I don't know if I'm coming or going these days. The hours seem to zip past one another like the trucks on the Doha highway. Whenever I make a momentary glance at the clock, there is always shock and awe... 'Wait a minute, is it already noon' or 'Hey, is it bed time already?' When they talk about daylight saving time, do they also mean they are saving it for another day? Perhaps that's only if you're 007.   I guess I shouldn't complain. I should be grateful that I don't have to spend my time on a bankrupt airline or mind numbing scam debates. At least I can make the time to do the things I like to do,  some of the time. I found myself at a wonderfully luxurious spa this afternoon. I opted for a de-stress massage. Call it hallucination, but the massage seemed to have my name on it. It was almost beckoning me to come and unwind. Five minutes in to the massage and my massuese informed me that my neck and shoulder muscles are too tense. Duh! S...

My son is six but walks six feet tall

“You have been blessed,” is all the doctor said to me Six years ago. I never knew what she meant, but now I do, and it such a joy to see, From the moment that our eyes first met, I was hooked, And still you have me mesmerised, One glance was all it took, You made a mother out of me. You’ve captured our hearts with your sweet imagination, Your unceasing questions and shy reservation, There are innumerable times I can advice you with just gentle persuasion Of course Mama can be a bit harsh on occasion.   Most people can’t believe you are so young, They say you are more mature while other kids are so high strung, I tell them it baffles me as well sometimes, I wonder what I did to deserve such a wonderful child. So continue to stand tall my little Daniel, You are six today and soon 12, Keep winning hearts, they are far more important than grades, And remember you are worth more than gold or silver can trade.

Picture perfecto

It is becoming increasingly clear that my old photographs are going to haunt me for some time. Who is that girl beaming from ear to ear with a smaller waistline? Somehow I don't recognize her anymore. Thanks to social networking there is always that secret fear that someone somewhere is going to upload a picture of your not-so-glamorous self. A long forgotten class picture or perhaps a wedding you were forced to attend. The pictures are not the problem, but their longevity is. They are uploaded forever. For the whole wide web to see. It is amazing that you may have never felt particularly perky when said pictures were taken. But in hindsight, everything seems so much better. The trees seem greener. The people happier. There is almost a merry tune playing in the background. It is so much easier to gloss over the images. There are those who post pictures with such regular frequency that it makes one wonder if they do little else. Its as if their lives are one big album wi...

Parent thesis

Speaking only for my gender I know one thing for sure. You aren’t born a mother. You grow into one, gradually. Not just by virtue of having the tools. And certainly not the second your offspring makes its entry into the world. So don’t let those super moms fool you. It is a very tough job and most if not everyone works at it every single day.  As someone once eager to complete a Ph. D in English Literature, I stopped short after my Masters. That was not because I wanted to have children. It was just because I decided to dive head on in to the working world. While I did juggle job and post graduate school for a few years until then, I felt it was time to give a career my all. The dream to complete my Doctorate soon got lost in the haze of things to do. Before I knew it the poems of Philip Larkin didn’t hold as much value as the timely visits to my children’s paediatrician. Five years on with more than half a decade of full time mother hood under my belt, I’m wondering what ...