Taking it to the limit

Way before there was a Google search engine or a sea of other technological ways in which we could get breaking news, there was a ‘Tequila Sunrise.’ I was barely eight years old when I first heard the song. Well in to my teens, another anthem of sorts ‘Take it easy,’ took on a new significance in our troubled times. “We may lose or we may win, but we will never be here again,” sang Don Henley and for some reason, I felt like he was talking to me. Playing the Eagles every Sunday morning while we did our chores in a Bombay suburb, was purely automatic. There wasn’t a member of the household that complained about the easy feeling that the boys on the faithful Kenwood player belted out. Of course it was the 90’s but those evergreen hits had been written two whole decades before. To the boys from the band who undoubtedly face a collosal loss, my heart sinks today. I woke up like most of the world, to the sad news that Glenn Frey is no more. Now, yes he hasn’t been breaking records...