Surrounded by the Greens - A staycation at Bin Majd Mangrove

When the working week comes to an end most of us like to just kick back and unwind. An ideal location to do this is just under two hours away. At Bin Majid Mangrove Hotel you can find comfort and relaxation in no short supply. Who knew that an urban escape was so easy to find? After a short drive to Ras Al Khaimah, my family and I were pleasantly surprised to be surrounded by thick green mangroves. The hotel staff welcomed us with a chilled welcome drink and we soon made it to our room. A cozy Queen Suite, it had a separate living area, bathroom and two large TV screens. I was only interested in the view outdoors. A long line of mangroves stretched as far as the eye could see. Mangroves are shrub and tree species that live along shores and rivers and on muddy soil. In fact they live in water that is up to a 100 times saltier than other plants can tolerate. The mangroves in Ras Al Khaimah were truly unique We explored the area which has a nice jogging track, a promenade...