Our dearest Jijaji

The following tribute is for my dear brother in law, who will forever be missed but always encouraged me to read and led so much by example.

He can never be replaced but his memory will live on forever. In his wonderful boys who resemble him in more ways than one.

In his doting and loving wife, Simona, who never left his side, more than any of us thought was humanly possible, during his challenging illness.

In all of us, who have met him and have been touched by his practicality, fondness for family and love for nature and sport.

As the Fernandes family comes to terms with the irreplaceable loss of the eldest brother-in-law, Vinod, there is comfort in knowing that he is in a better place. We could not have done half of the many, many, many formalities in Kuwait after Vinod’s passing had it not been for the prayers, calm and clear thinking and most of all blessings of Vinny himself.

All of Simona's contacts and friends, most of whom she was too preoccupied to reach over the past few months especially with Vinod's illness, just rushed to our aid. Fees were waived in one place, doors were opened in places where they are generally rudely shut and things just started to fall in place whenever there were problems along the way.

Of course Sim’s prayers have come to her aid and the many things she constantly does for anyone in need has not gone unnoticed. The boys are totally in control and it is easy to sometimes forget how young they are. Of course Riti (Vinod’s sister) thanked me for lending my husband to them for a few days as he travelled with them to Delhi.

We joked that Sim was not going back with two, but three sons, since Vinny considered Sundeep like a older son and had said this to Riti in Delhi so many times. Sim thought Vinod told Sundeep to come along but that conversation never took place. It didn't need to.

As the family was making its way to board the flight to Delhi, the weather here in Kuwait suddenly took a turn for the worse with an evening dust storm yesterday, the kind Vinod disliked the most. But then it suddenly began to rain and what a wonderful feeling, a dear friend mentioned that Kuwait was crying as its fondest son, Vinod was leaving its shores. Riti and I thought that was such a lovely thought and it almost seemed to be true because the rain didn't stop till we got to the airport. The days ahead won't be easy but I'm sure we will all pull together and carry each other along. That is definitely what life is all about.

I know all of us and not just the Bakaya boys have grown wiser and more aware in a matter of days. Daniel continues to pray for Mausa in his night prayers as he’s been doing all these many months.

It is a simple prayer, ‘God, please bless Mausa and take care of him.’ It breaks my heart to hear him say the prayer but it is so true and innocent and Daniel really misses his Mausa so much. But we too still feel Mausa is with us and he will always be.

Here is an excerpt that my niece Jeanelle read in a church in Vancouver, Canada, on the same day of Vinod’s passing.

And so my heart rejoices, my soul is glad; Even my body shall rest in safety. For you will not leave my soul among the dead, Nor let your beloved know decay. Response : Keep me safe, O God; You are my hope.


  1. Dear "Aboriginal",
    Hey, am not able to place a finger on your identity. Do reveal, because obviously we are friends from school! This was such a moving post. I am so sorry for your loss, girl, I am. God be with your family...
    Shall be reading the other posts tonight.
    Take care, God bless and tell me who you are!
    Warm wishes,

  2. Hey Oormila,

    I guess you may remember a class mate named Abigail Fernandes from Carmel School. We were in the same class and basketball, kho-kho team in school. Many many moons ago of course. Kavita, Sytle all of us together.

    We are both friends on Orkut which I too hardly check these days.

    Thanks for your feedback on the post and do let me know your thoughts on the others.


  3. Oh my God! Of course! Abi!!!!!! I was wondering which of my friends this was!
    I am so sorry to hear about this girl. My heart goes out to your family...
    Shall add you on facebook. Let's keep in touch there.
    I shall read through your blog. Wow, you are a writer! That's wonderful girl. Keep it going!
    Good luck, love and hugs,


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