
Showing posts from 2011

Stereotyped into a corner

Metallica, Metallica, Metallica. Heavy metal, Heavy metal, Heavy metal. Hard rock, Hard rock, Hard rock. Amboli, Amboli, Amboli. Women, Women, Women. Eve Teasers, Eve Teasers, Eve Teasers. Nope, I haven't gone completely batty (yet). Neither have the keys on my laptop gone haywire. I'm just pondering about something deeper and realising how impressionable we’ve all become. Does repeating certain words, create a certain impression in your head? Most people would agree. Being a mother I'm more conscious of what I say and when I say it, especially in front of the kids, whom most believe are rather impressionable. But aren't we all? Try repeating those opening lines at the top for yourself. Sooner or later you too may be forming your own impressions. Good, bad, indifferent. They are there and they will provoke your response. Micheal Jackson called it Human Nature. You certainly remember Micheal Jackson right. That guy who died a few years ago and whose death has been reduce...

What’s cooking in China Kitchen

If there’s one place my family simply loves to frequent when hunger strikes, it has got to be China Kitchen. The evidence of our repeated visits is shown by the staff who always greet us with hearty smiles whenever we walk through the door. Tucked away in a quiet lane on Hamad Al Mubarak Street, China Kitchen isn’t one of those places that scream for attention. It doesn’t need to. With a steady stream of regular visitors and plenty of take away requests, they seem to be in pretty good shape. This is a cosy little place with a pleasant ambience where the food will definitely be worth what you pay. The line on their menu sums it up perfectly - ‘Small in size, big in taste.’ For starters, we almost always go for the Steamed Dumplings, either chicken or beef. (The restaurant also offers shrimp). What makes these dumplings irresistible is the unique sauce that accompanies them. They also have a number of other starters such as Sesame Prawn on toast, besides soups and a variety of spring rol...

O-kay, its o-fficial:)

Hello my friends, Thank you for the kindest words I've ever heard. It's so rewarding to hear how the show has impacted your life in profound and simple ways. Thank you for your good wishes. I'm bolstered and fueled by the energy of your every good thought. A week ago, I was saying good bye. Now finally away on vaca. Relaxing. Trying not to eat too much. But had 2 slices of the best pizza ever in life today. WHITE TRUFFLE! Had to stop myself. Could have eaten the whole thin sliced, home made thing. Catching up on reading: UNBROKEN by Laura Hillenbrand I know so many of you have read already. It's as good as everybody says. 72 pgs. in, can't put it down. Will not be emailing or checking emails on vaca but didn't want you to miss SONS of PERDITION on OWN tomorrow nite. June 2. 9E Fascinating doc worth your time. About the young boys forced to leave the polygamist camps to make room for the men to marry the young girls. I love a good documentary, like a good book. H...

O-kay, its o-fficial:)

Hello my friends, Thank you for the kindest words I've ever heard. It's so rewarding to hear how the show has impacted your life in profound and simple ways. Thank you for your good wishes. I'm bolstered and fueled by the energy of your every good thought. A week ago, I was saying good bye. Now finally away on vaca. Relaxing. Trying not to eat too much. But had 2 slices of the best pizza ever in life today. WHITE TRUFFLE! Had to stop myself. Could have eaten the whole thin sliced, home made thing. Catching up on reading: UNBROKEN by Laura Hillenbrand I know so many of you have read already. It's as good as everybody says. 72 pgs. in, can't put it down. Will not be emailing or checking emails on vaca but didn't want you to miss SONS of PERDITION on OWN tomorrow nite. June 2. 9E Fascinating doc worth your time. About the young boys forced to leave the polygamist camps to make room for the men to marry the young girls. I love a good documentary, like a good book. H...

Could it be Oprah writing to me?

Oprah Winfrey to me (2 hours ago) Got your email. Thank you for watching the finale. I could feel your beating hearts, along with mine, through the TV screen. I'm off to take a little rest, and then I'll get busy working on OWN. Take care of yourself. I'll write soon, Oprah There it is. Plain and simple. The simplest and most heartfelt reply. Sure anyone could have typed it. That's the ugly fact that's out to burst my happy bubble at this hour of night. Sure anyone could have replied to an email on Oprah's behalf but I'd like to believe that she did read my humble blog and this is her reply. However brief. I quickly did some mental maths and realised its early morning in the US. So it has to be Oprah (or her secretary/publicist) who sent an email out to little ole me. Even so, I'm feeling so happy to have made a connection. I'm willing to admit that I spent quite a few times writing to the website and got nothing. No reply, no make overs...

Mothers constant protection

There are probably a few people in the world who haven’t heard of Mother Teresa. She treated the sick and destitute in India but managed to touch countless lives around the world. I am not someone who believed in wearing religious medals. I was taking my first holiday without parents or siblings and my mother insisted I wear a silver medal which had an image of Mother Mary on it. I wore the medal, grudgingly. We were a class of 25 women who travelled with two teachers to visit a few Indian cities and practise photography. Our first stop was Calcutta. We had heard of the mouth watering sweets that the city is known for and a few of us headed out to the local sweet shop. It wasn’t long before the residents noticed us. As we relished our desserts and made our way back to the hotel, a few miscreants started hurling stones in our direction. I was shocked when a large stone came straight at me. Perhaps it was luck or divine intervention that I was saved from a serious wound because the stone...