O-kay, its o-fficial:)

Hello my friends,

Thank you for the kindest words I've ever heard. It's so rewarding to hear how the show has impacted your life in profound and simple ways.

Thank you for your good wishes.
I'm bolstered and fueled by the energy of your every good thought.

A week ago, I was saying good bye.

Now finally away on vaca. Relaxing. Trying not to eat too much. But had 2 slices of the best pizza ever in life today. WHITE TRUFFLE! Had to stop myself. Could have eaten the whole thin sliced, home made thing.

Catching up on reading: UNBROKEN by Laura Hillenbrand
I know so many of you have read already. It's as good as everybody says. 72 pgs. in, can't put it down.

Will not be emailing or checking emails on vaca but didn't want you to miss SONS of PERDITION on OWN tomorrow nite. June 2. 9E
Fascinating doc worth your time. About the young boys forced to leave the polygamist camps to make room for the men to marry the young girls.

I love a good documentary, like a good book.

Hope your summer's off to a good start, no matter where you are.

My new ambition is to make a treasure of the small moments.

All of your emails are mini treasures. As was that White Truffle pizza.



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