Ahlan wa sahlan

Renewed and re-energised. Not only did we have six exciting days in Jordan -- we had them to ourselves. Just the husband and myself. Almost unbelievable. Nights under the stars. Watching the sunset. Fighting over inconsequential matters. Basking in the comfort that this alone time is temporary.

Why must couples with children have to explain that they need some time to themselves? Do we give up that right the moment we don the role of parenthood? While my children merrily go on about their own holiday in the embrace of doting grandparents and family members, I find it hard to shrug off the guilt of separation.

It is remarkable how every smiling child has the power to remind me of my own children. It took a seven year old Bedouin boy just a moment to win my heart over. Never mind that his mule, named Micheal Jackson was equally amusing. Three year old Anna, with her precious smile and innocence reminded me of my own little princess.

Being alone sometimes isn't all that its cracked up to be. I mean all alone. There are only so many pedicures you can do. Even 'How I met your mother' gets repititive. Once back in mommy land, I know I will have endless fantasies of an ounce of peace and quiet. For the moment I'm just waiting to for those hugs of reassurance that only my own small persons can provide. 

Image: The stunning Monastery at Petra carved out of rock. It looks even better as the light changes. Believed to take 800 steps to reach, mules often help those like myself who can't take the heat and the climb all at the same time. The view of the majestic Monastery is a reward in itself. 


  1. Loved the post Abs, as always u write beautifully and I agree, there are many ppl who will give us grief of neglecting parental duties n leaving kids. not realising we are actually helping them grow. :)

  2. Thank you Saps. You and I have each others so let wagging tongues wag.


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