How to fight holiday weight gain

For most of us the holiday season can come with a lot of temptation. With just a few days to go to a big family wedding, Iām pretty sure I will be tempted to eat all the home made goodies. Fortunately help is at hand. The holidays can be a challenging time for weight-watchers, with tempting choices lurking around the corner that ultimately add up by the New Year. Jennifer Chalouhi, brand ambassador of Tima Love Life's, personal trainer and mother of three, shares some top healthy tips to help you fight unwanted weight gain during the holidays. Tima is the brainchild of Fatima Batook who started a fitness apparel line in Saudi Arabia, a few years ago. Her aim was to offer women a positive vibe when it comes to exercise. Here are some extremely do-able tips. Be sure to get plenty of rest and sleep. The number one culprit during the holidays is staying up late and not getting at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep. When your body is depleted and running low on energy, your mus...